Go Deeper

I feel drawn to our garden area. Every morning especially. It’s cool out, the birds are chirping, it’s quiet, refreshing. There’s new life. I feel so much excitement when I see a new plant sprouting out of the dirt. Knowing I had a hand in creating it by putting that tiny seed in the ground.

If I feel this way over a tiny seed I’ve placed in the ground, a new plant sprouting up, how much more does God feel that for us?  It’s hard to grasp that my God, my savior,  rejoices so much more when I choose to follow him. As a Christian whose struggled to follow Him over the years, this really grasps my heart.

I’ll admit sometimes I’m pouring my whole life into Jesus Christ and when I do my life is so much better. I’m not saying easier, but it’s better. However there are times I struggle with letting Him be first I feel like I’m drowning in responsibilities, I feel anger and resentment towards the ones I love, towards my roles in this life. I feel confused as to what God has for me and why He would have me to do. It’s not easy to admit this as Christians, we want to seem like we always have it all together, that we always lean into him, everything’s perfect. We need more Christians that admit when they’re struggling. Those that can say the road’s not always easy.   Our human nature interferes in so many ways with our walk with Christ. We need those to show us how they got through, how they pressed in and how they came through to continue serving Him.

The peace I feel sitting in this garden and watching the new life emerge is helping me to understand the areas I need to let go and let God truly have. It’s allowing me to see that He rejoices over me even in my faults.  That he loves me no matter what. I just got this garden going and I already love it.   Even places I don’t see plants sprouting up, I’m excited and anticipating what will happen.  As God does with us. He’s anticipating our growth. He’s excited for it.

However just like these plants need water and sunshine to grow. We need the Word and prayer. When Satan came to tempt Jesus with bread in the wilderness ‘Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4) 

If we expect to hear God, if we expect to grow with Him as these plants are growing in my garden, we have to spend time with Him. And it has to be more than rushing through the Bible app on your phone, the little devotional book you have, it has to go deeper. If a plants roots do not go down deep enough it does not have the soil it needs and  it can’t grow.  If we want to hear Christ and  truly grow with him we have to make him our priority.

In Matthew 13 Jesus tells in the parable of the scattered seed. The seed scattered on the footpath was quickly ate up by the birds, so if we’re just out there as Christians not putting any time or effort into him we’re going to be ate up by this world.  We’re going to be overtaken and consumed by the things of this world.

The next seeds fell into shallow soil and they sprouted up quickly and they were doing amazing but because their roots could not go down deep they quickly faded out. If we don’t have those deep roots, if we’re on fire for him after we get saved or when we recommit our lives but we do not let our roots go down deep through prayer, worship, and the word, we will wither up.

The next set of seed fell among the thorns and they were choked out. I think of this as the people who receive Christ but don’t step away from the life that they’re living.  They stay right in among all that they’ve continued to do or go back to it. Our roots can’t grow we can’t get the sunlight we need.  We have to pour in to God and find a body of believers that we can be a part of.

Finally we have the last seed. The seed that fell upon the fertile soil.  The seed that produced crops 30, 60, to 100 fold. I don’t know about you but this is where I want to be. I want to be where my roots are going deep. To be a part of a church that that helps me grow with Christ, not a church that tickles my ears and makes me feel good, but a church that pushes me to want to know more. A church that tells me the truth about who I am and then helps me get into the Word and know how to grow in him.

I want to be at the place where I make him a priority.  Whether that is forsaking the morning snooze button or right before bed, maybe both. To get to the place where I pray continually all day.  It’s praying when something or someone comes to my mind. Not having to wait for that special time but it’s being in a conversation with Him all day.

It’s opening up His word, asking for him to teach me. Pouring into that and learning and growing. It’s worshiping him. It’s singing songs of praise.  It’s being outside in my garden and saying thank you. It’s bowing my head and truly meaning the prayer and praying over the food he’s blessed me with.  It’s helping my neighbor. It’s loving others.

If we, as Christians, want to quit being those Christians that fall away all the time, we have to start where we are and we have to make a change. It’s okay to admit that you’re struggling right now. It’s okay to admit that maybe you’ve not been giving your life to Him.  It’s okay to admit that you backtrack a lot.    We need to admit that, so that we can then ask for prayer, ask for help and then step up.

So today, let your roots go down deep make time for him. Shut off the things that are noisy to you so you can hear his voice. And as you do this your roots will be able to go down deeper.

Dear brothers and sisters this world needs Christians who are on fire for him, whose roots go down deep. Let’s do as Colossians 2: 7 says,

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

There’s our call, our answer! Let’s allow our roots to go deeper. Let’s pray for one another.

With love

Alissa Marie

Self discipline

You Version Bible App

In Saturday’s short teaching on You Versions Bible app, Pastor Greg Groeschel, taught the verse very well, in a simple but powerful way.

What I felt God speaking to me the most about is self discipline. I am using social media more with the start of a business and with promoting my blogs more. However, it makes it very easy to get off track and mindlessly scroll. To waste 30 minutes in the morning scrolling, instead of immediately getting on the Bible app.

It’s so easy to pull my phone out and work on a new blog post, social media post, or to do some research. However, it takes time from my baby girl during the day and she sees a phone in my face too much.

In the evenings when I’m tired, again it’s easy to mindlessly scroll. When I should be playing a board game with the older kids, planning with my husband, or just reading a book!

I know I need to schedule time to do things on my blog and social media. It’s ok to be growing something God has given me but I have to be organized and do it at the right times. I can’t be on my phone all day. The same goes for social media, it is okay to get on, but it needs to be a set time.

When listening to pastor Greg today I felt a deep convictionover the part about self discipline

He said,, “God has given me his self discipline. I can choose what I want most, over what I want even now.”

That’s so powerful and humbling. God has chosen to give us His self discipline. We can say no to what we want now to grow into what He is calling us to. How awesome is that? We aren’t in this alone, God is giving us His spirit, His power. He is with us through it all.

Then I opened up my Bible study book, Turning Points with Dr. David Jeremiah. It was about how little habits become big for us in the future. I love also how God intertwines teachings for us, to help us get the message he’s speaking to us. I had actually opened up the study to the wrong day, but I know that this is what God wanted me to read.

The study said that we tend to make this big list of resolutions and they’re just too hard to keep. However if we will just make a small improvement to one habit today we can see monumental change.

To know that we will look back one day and the habits, the self-discipline that we are choosing now will either bring us success or defeat. And I want to be successful. I want to stop wasting time. I want to live the life that God is calling me to. A life full of not worldly riches but God’s riches.

I won’t get there, you won’t get there, we won’t get there if we do not have self-discipline and create habits that allow us to grow with the Lord.

I watched the movie Wall-E For the first time. Yeah can you believe I’ve never watched that movie? Anyway it was on the other day, and I have watched it as I did some things around the house and the movie portrays that people will become overweight slobs, letting machines do everything for them. They forget to live, to enjoy life, to enjoy each other, to enjoy a dance.

Sadly, that is what you can easily become in your own life. You may not be huge and overweight riding in an electric control chair that takes you everywhere but you still can form habits that you might as well be living like that. When you mindlessly sit down at night and watch a couple hours of TV or scroll on your phone, instead of engaging with your family. When your phone or work control your whole life. When you’ve got to be on that phone, have to reply right away to an email, putting everything else on the back burner. When you just have to make another TikTok video, take five more pictures of your kid to make that perfect Facebook or Instagram post, you know the one where your house looks perfect? How many of us do this day in and day out?

Then we wonder why we don’t have a good connection with our spouse, we wonder why our kids don’t want to listen to us, we wonder why our kids want their faces and screens or want the TV on.

Self discipline, habits. The beautiful thing is if you read this verse and think again about the teachings we don’t have to do this on our own. God will give us his power of discipline God will God our habits, if we simply will seek him. If we will make the effort to put the phone down to turn off the TV and to open our Bibles and pray.

Whatever area you need to grow in this year, make sure you are allowing God to guide you in that and to give you the strength to grow in that area. God has spoken clearly to my heart today that I need self-discipline and better habits in my life again. And when God speaks to me like this, I feel so alive and able and I want to share it with others. I want to share it so that he gets the glory and so I have accountability.

Please pray for me for my self discipline and habits to be focused on God and to allow His power to help me in these areas. And I will pray for you dear friends. If your struggle is somewhere else just shoot me a message or comment below and I will pray for you.


Thank you so much that we don’t have to fear anything. You have not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.

Reading those verses Lord just sets me on fire and gives me hope for the future. All my fears are washed away and I know that I can do what you’ve called me to. I pray that we each will have a clear vision of the next steps in our life. I pray that we will allow you our power to give us self-discipline and in turn that we will love others and live in the power that you’ve given us to go out into the world and make disciples. I pray that in our work, our businesses, our homes, our relationships, that we will allow you to guide us and that you will bless us in mighty ways.

Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for us. Thank you God for your ultimate love and sacrifice to us. And thank you that we have the Holy Spirit and we don’t have to walk this alone.

Help us to step forward, to put you first, to have self-discipline to love others and to let your power pour through us into this world, so that it can be on fire for you again.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

With love,

Alissa Marie

Do you Have A Servants Heart?

Today’s study on my you version Bible app really hit home. First of all that above verse just grabbed me and they actually only included only verse 11 but the teacher, Esteban, from Street Light ministries, on today’s series went ahead and included verse 12, I think was key.

I think it’s so easy to forget that we are called to be servants. We want to be seen and heard, especially in this day and age with technology. And that’s something that Esteban touched on in his teaching. We have these platforms that we want to be seen and heard on and is it really about being a servant or is it about being seen?

There’s nothing wrong with making it big, having a great business, having a nice home, going on vacation, and sharing that God has blessed you woth. But we’ve really got to start looking at the intent of our heart. Is the intent to share the blessings of God? Or is the intent to get likes and to feel exalted and to feel good? God’s really been dealing with my heart on sharing on social media. He’s blessed me with a business I’m trying to get going and I do have to share on social media but he’s shown me how at times my sharing is to get likes. My sharing isn’t to bless others or to have a memory to go back to, like I might tell myself. My sharing is to feel validated. However, we should feel validated in Christ our king. He should be the one that we look to for validation.

Again, there’s nothing wrong with this new age of sharing on social media, making videos, having fun or wanting to share something you’ve done but we really have to start looking at the intent of our hearts and what that is doing to us, what it’s leading us to or even what it’s doing to others. We need to make sure that Christ is the center.

Next, after doing this study today after making sure Christ is the center we need that servant heart. In the devotional that came along with today’s lesson on you version, again was just right on target. This quote just grabbed hold of me and it really made me stop and think.

“What if instead of the small stage that many of us clamor to get on to have are moments in the sun, there is a much grander stage that involves every moment that we live, every person we come in contact with, every place we take Jesus.” Todd Fields.

After reading that quote if you’re not just in a wow moment and your heart is not filled with the beauty, the power and the freedom that comes in Christ, I don’t know what will grasp you. That quote reminds me that I’m not working towards some big day when I’ll get there to do something for Christ. I think so often we think that we will serve Christ when we get to some “stage.” For me, I’ve dreamed of being a writer for as long as I can remember. Yet, I always take it to the back burner and other things come up and I followed a different path, a different career. Yet, I keep feeling God calling me to it. So, yes I need to make time every day to write because God is calling me to that and I need to be obedient. However him calling me to write everyday and me waiting on this big moment with my writing is not what I’m here to just do. He is calling me to more.

He’s saying , hey, it’s the little moments of every single day.” It’s not when we get famous. It’s not when people see us. It’s now, right where you are! It’s being kind to your spouse when you really want to nip at them, and you husbands and wives know what I mean. It’s giving grace to your teenagers when they don’t do what you ask, when they lie, or do something they shouldn’t and coming to them in love. Sometimes that love is still disciplining, other times it’s just talking. It’s taking the time to have a tea party with your 2-year-old and to chase them around outside. It’s calling or reaching out to a friend and just asking how their day is. It’s visiting your neighbor, your grandma, you’re single aunt and showing them love and care with a simple visit, a few moments of your day.

I like Todd Fields quote because it reminds us that as we are looking for the grander stage it’s the small stage every day that we’ve been blessed with. That is so freeing. Because instead of trying to get to this grand stage for Christ we see that we have that there every day. We have the opportunity to be like Christ to someone in our life.

It shows us that raising our families, having dinner together, spending time with a friend, none of it is mundane. That is what is important, that is what is life, that is where the glory of God is found! Oh, dear friends if we can remember the simple wisdom everyday and live, truly live in these little moments for Christ, not for ourselves, not to get the spotlight on us but seeing the opportunities we have to be Jesus to the world and these small things, what a life we could live!

I don’t know about you, but I feel renewed and rejuvenated and alive in that truth. I also feel convicted about how I’ve been living my life and how I’ve overlooked the gifts I’ve been given and the opportunities I’ve been given to share Christ with others. It’s not a big stage to stand on and preach or sing, it’s not a big book deal, it’s not in sharing the best picture of my home or beautiful quote on Instagram or Facebook, it’s not in making the best funny video for TikTok, it’s in the simplicity and in the moments when no one is looking.

The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. (Matthew 23:11-12 NLT)


Help us to put You first, not our egos. Help us to see how we can exalt you and the small the ultimately big moments in our lives. Show us how to be better spouses, better parents, better siblings, better family members, and better neighbors. Humble us the word so we can be great servants of the most hiking. Thank you God that we don’t have to work for salvation or some big stage to know you. Thank you that we can know you and give your love to others every single day. And Jesus name, amen.

With love,

Alissa Marie

Struggling….give yourself Grace

Are you struggling today? Don’t lose hope. God is there even when you can’t feel him.

Today I’ve struggled. I’m gonna be real, I had a meltdown, over an unwashed pan. But really is it the unwashed pan? No, it’s more. It’s the anxiety and overwhelming feelings I’ve had since my baby was born. And let’s be honest again, I had it before but not all the time and it was more manageable.

I reached out to a friend after and she said what I needed to hear, to give myself Grace. And she didn’t make me feel horrible or dumb, she said you are human. It’s okay.

So all day I’ve tried to remind myself of that. I started to cry after she reached.out to me again with some more words of hope. And my sweet babygirl was playing nearby. She came and wiped my tears.

In that moment I knew it was God. He allowed me this sweet soul to raise. A lil girl who I thought I’d wipe her tears away but here she came and wiped mine. I hugged her tight and told her I loved her and she was such a gift. She laughed and went on her merry way. That right there is Jesus Christ.

Not only did He give me a friend to support me with kind words, he gave me a sweet baby to wipe away my tears.

So momma’s out there, give yourself Grace. You are human and we make mistakes. Also, reach out to those who can support you, pray for you and help you. This friend not only gave me words, she is leading me down a path of natural healing.

See Him in those babies. They live you unconditionally. See that they are your why. That they are here as a gift from above.

If you are struggling with postpartum anxiety or depression, make sure you are reaching out and getting help, there’s nothing wrong with that. Be honest, give yourself Grace and get support.

With love,

Alissa Marie

Walking through the Valley to the Promised Land

As I started reading well actually listening to my Bible Study on YouVersion, Bible app, I thought, “I’m not in a valley.” But as I read the study part I realized I am. How easy it is to overlook where we truly are. I think because we don’t want to admit the valley.

So here I am being honest, I’m in a valley in trusting God with what I feel he’s called me to, a big dream. I guess actually dreams. I’m trying to be bold and I’m doubting. I’m feeling fearful because the answers I need aren’t coming yet.

It’s easy to get derailed. It’s easy to listen to the naysayers, the doubters, the ones who think you’re crazy. It’s easy to get caught up in that and to believe what God has told you isn’t true.

It’s like a book I’m reading, The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. It talks about how when God gives us a dream, something He is calling us to do, we will have bullies. And bullies don’t come in the form of what we really normally think bullies are, they come sometimes hidden. What I mean by that is they come with having concern for us. They can be some of the people we are closest to. And I don’t think they mean to be bullies, but they are bullies to our dream. They bring in the waves of doubt, they try to keep us in our area of comfort because it’s comfortable for them. I know they mean well and I know I’ve been one of these bullies, but we have to choose to look beyond their fears, doubt, and concern. We have to step through that unknown door, if we’re going to get to that dream that He is calling us to. That’s the whole premise of the book, we are going to go through a valley, we are going to go through hard times. But if we want to get to that other side, that promised land, we have keep pushing through. It’s so easy to stay in the comfortable but if we stay in the comfortable there will never be a breakthrough and our lives will never be lived as God has intended them to.

So, as I read today I did not realize what a valley I truly am in. Not only a valley to this dream but to time management, to filling overwhelmed with all I have to do at home with working from home, having a baby having my older boys that are doing some of their school from home, have sports starting again. It can all feel so overwhelming. However I’m glad I read this study today and I’m able to admit, “God I’m in a valley and I’m struggling to trust you. I just want to trust you as I’m walking through this. I just want to trust you as I’m walking through to the promised land.”

I look back on previous dream. Like, I wanted a baby for years and the sad thing is I didn’t pray for that baby as much as I should. I think I felt guilty and I tried to tell myself and would just say to God if you want me to have a baby let me have a baby, it’s ok if I dont. Yes, there was a contentment in that, but there was also a fear of praying for the baby, fear of wanting it too much and then not getting it. We cannot live life that way. We may not get the dreams the way we think we’re supposed to, but God has given us that dream for a reason and we need to cry out, we need to pray and we need to walk through those valleys to get to it. I did still walk through my share if valleys to get my precious baby girl and I’m so grateful that God saw to bless me with her, however I should have prayed harder for her. I shouldn’t have feared that and told myself I was being a good Christian but just accepting it. God brought this thought to my heart the other day along with his word. He brought the story of the woman in the Bible that prayed and prayed and prayed for a baby and then gave that child back to the Lord. She cried out and God heard her cry and blessed her. She was Hannah, Samuels mother (1Samuel).

Don’t be afraid to dream, don’t be afraid to listen to what God has given you inside that dream and to follow it. To go through that valley and to keep pushing forward in faith to the promised land.

Today, I ask y’all to pray for me and I’ll be praying for you as we’re pushing through to get to the promised land. Pushing  to get to something God has shown us is ours,  is our dream, is what we’re supposed to be walking towards and living for. Don’t let fear, doubt, or even feeling unworthy stop you.

Psalm 8:3-4

As I read this today , I sat in awe of my savior. My savior who hung the moon and stars. My savior who was born in a manager, the king born in a manager. Who went on to live a servants life. To eventually die upon the cross for my sins. How easy it is to forget that He is the king, he hung the moon and stars and yet he died for me….and for you.
So this Christmas season, look to him. Look to the creator and sing his praises. Stand in owe of the gift he was and still is. And praise his holy name.

Lord, Thank you for the gift of a sweet baby and a manager, who became the savior of the world. Help us to treasure this in our hearts and to keep our eyes on the real reason for the season. I stand and awe when I think that you hung the moon and the stars and yet you love us so much more. Help us to remember that and bring glory to your name everyday. In Jesus name I pray amen

With love,

Alissa Marie

Photo you version bible app

Mighty Faith

You version Bible App

Man, If God does not give us what we need right when we need it…. Always. He always does. I’ve been in prayer about some things and I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed a couple of weeks ago and then a light bulb came on .. the voice of God and I saw a way out of those issues. Then another blessing and only more encouragement that I’m making a right decision.

Right now I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with getting my life better organized with working from home. With having a new baby, to make sure I’m playing with her and giving her the attention she needs, with helping my boys with school the days their home, with doing my work, and also with doing something God’s called me to, writing.

I prayed today about all these things It was more of a rambling prayer but I knew God was listening. I know that he understands those times when our prayers are rambling, when we don’t have it all together and we’re crying out to him asking for his guidance and direction. Because I don’t want to try to do this on my own. I don’t want to get organized in my way or do things my way, I want to do them His way. I want to put first what He calls me to put first. I want to take the steps He calls me to. And I know that a lot of it, at times, is me trying to keep my type A personality. To hold everything together, and there’s also some fear. I let fear hold me back from writing and I do not know why. Every time I pray about what I need to do, am I on the right path, He always calls me back to writing. And yet writing is the last thing I usually do. But man if this verse and this Bible study that I did on the you version Bible app did not shake me and wake me.

It discusses people of faith in the Bible and what happened when they believed. And we look throughout the Bible We see so many instances of this David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lion’s den, Abraham and Isaac, and the list goes on and on. The one thing was Faith. They had faith and they allowed that faith to take away their fear They chose faith over fear.

As I read that verse again, “Faith is the confidence And what we hope for…” Whatever you are hoping for today, whatever he’s called you to you have to have faith, You have to have the confidence that he has given you this task that he has called you to this or you will never be fruitful You have to have confidence you have to have faith. The word confidence is not wavering it’s not fear it’s standing bold.

Now reading the second part of that verse, faith is “the assurance of things we do not yet see.” We don’t see the bigger picture but if we have faith we have assurance in that future. We know that God is going to come through maybe not in our way but he will come through. So if we have faith we have it with assurance. Again not in doubt, not in fear, not wavering…..we are standing bold.

I pray that I will have the faith to follow God’s calling of writing for my life. I pray I will be confident and have assurance in his plan, and that I will get out of the way and instead be bold and follow the path He has for me. I want to be like these mighty people of the Bible, they weren’t perfect but when they stood in faith, mighty things happened.

I pray today that we will each stand bold in the calling God has placed on our lives. I pray for you dear friends, I pray for your confidence, for your assurance and that you will see the mighty works of God. If we do this, can you imagine how his kingdom will grow and he will be glorified? What a glorious day.

With love,

Alissa Marie


You version Bible app

Nail it to the cross

(you version bible app)

This is hard to do. It’s easy to read the verse And say amen but read that verse again. It is nailing of our sinful nature, the things we so easily desire to the cross. It’s letting go and not letting our sins to find us and control us. And we tend to think of sins as these big things, but they’re usually the small things; not spending time in the word and instead playing on our phone, not making time for prayer and instead watching a TV show, allowing our thoughts to be overrun with the things of this world instead of the things and having above. When we really sit down and think about our sinful nature and what we have to nail to the cross, we realize it’s more. The little things tend to add up to a lot.   But the beautiful thing is Christ is here to help us, to walk us through, to guide us. All we have to do is ask and open up His Word. I know the areas that I struggle in…. I know I do not make time for my Lord as I should. I no longer get up and allow that stillness of the morning to be his time and it shows and my attitudes, my thought life, and my personality.

What I see is someone with little faith. I see a person who gets annoyed too quickly and runs off at the mouth. I see a person who lacks empathy. I see someone who allows her face to be buried in social media.

What regret this brings, the wasted opportunity, the brokenness I bring to others when I’m to be a life giver. When we don’t make time for him a change occurs and it’s no fault but our own.

But of we will step up to that cross and nail our wasted time, our thought and our desires to that cross, a mighty change will occur.

So today I ask for your prayer in nailing my sinful nature to the cross and I’ll pray for you too.

With love,

Alissa Marie

Heartache, Joy, and a Plan We Don’t Always Understand

This is a post that I made on my Instagram/facebook I wanted to share it, just in case anybody else has experienced this kind of loss and even possible joy all in one day.

A lot of people don’t know that the day we found out we were getting our boys back from the kidnapping and drove to Atlanta airport to meet them, was also the day we found out our little Nugget was going to heaven. Such a bittersweet day. The biggest heartbreak and the most amazing joy wrapped up in one day. We chose to see that our boys needed us 100% and to take comfort in the fact that our baby would be with Jesus. Not a day goes by that we don’t wonder what kind of little boy he would have been. And I say little boy because in my heart I just felt he was a little boy. I imagine what he would have looked like, what his name might have been,  how he would have adored his brothers. 💙 He would be 3 and I’m sure bugging his birthday buddy cousin, Breanna. (They were due about the same time).
My wonderful sister made us this onesie and it hangs on our living room wall with all of our other family photos. Our little Nugget will never be forgotten. It makes this miracle little girl, Katie- Ann, all that much more amazing for us. We have been through more heartache than most can imagine, yet God has been with us every step of the way.
So if you feel alone and lost just ask Him to reveal himself and know that no matter what He is always with you. We don’t always understand his plan and life is painful but there is such beauty in the love that God has for us. There’s so much hope in our eternal future.
I know one day, I’ll hold this sweet one in heaven, what a mighty gift. 💙

With Love,

Alissa Marie

His Strength, Not Mine

“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. ” Philippians 2:13

That is my memory verse for the week. I haven’t been doing a study, a deep study as I should in the word for a while and I can see the change in me when I do not. So I decided to start book two of Master Life, The Dissciples Personality. For that to be my first memory verse only confirms to me the love that Christ has for me. He knows exactly what I need, he knows the lesson I need to learn, and he is there wanting me to learn and grow deeper in him.

When I first read that verse, what sticks out to me is the phrase It is God who works. Not me, not anyone else in my life, not my strength or my will but it is God who works.

Just let your heart dwell on that for a minute. How many of us try to do it in our own strength? How many of you out there put the blame on someone else? As you reread that let the truth and the magnitude of that small phrase sink in. It is God who works in you. To me, what amazing love that is, not only did God create us, not only did Jesus come and die on the cross for us, but it is God who works in us. If we will allow him to work in us.

Now this does not mean that we sit back idly and expect God to do it all. This does not mean that we’re lazy, or expect a handout. What this means is that we stop trying to do it all in our strength, in our way, and to be the number one. It is so easy to fall into this trap of the enemy of trying to do it all. Or to fall into the trap of blaming others and expecting them to do it for us.

You may wonder how do I let God work and move in me without sitting idly back or expecting someone else to do it? How do I allow him to work in me to will and to act?

I question it myself and I feel I got an answer today. Yet again, God’s mighty voice giving me what I need when I don’t deserve it. In my study today we were given a verse to read during our quiet time, John 5: 16-30. I encourage everyone to read this and to let the words of Jesus sink in.

Here is our answer and here is our example. Multiple times throughout the passage Jesus states that he does nothing by himself that he does only as the Father wills. As I read this I see that he does as the father because he spends time with the father. Jesus knows the father, he knows what he wills and seeks, and wishes for Jesus to do. Jesus didn’t just sit idly back and expect God to do it all for him. Jesus did not expect his disciples to go out and do everything as he set back and told them want to do. Jesus acted.

However, Jesus did not act in his own strength. Jesus did not try to be everything for everybody, try to do it all, and try to be the number one or the best. Jesus spent time with the father. Jesus prayed, Jesus knew his father’s words and heart Jesus walked with God.

That is our answer as difficult as we make it, it is so simple. To allow God to work in us we must know him. And how do we get to know him? We read his word and pray.

One thing I like about this Master Life study, The Disciples Personality, and the study before this book, The Disciples Cross, is the fact that it encourages a daily quiet time with the Lord. During this time you are given a portion of scripture to read and as you read that you are encouraged to listen to God’s voice and to write down what you feel God has spoke to you through this passage. It has been one of the biggest growing opportunities for me, to not just read his word, but to hear what he is speaking to me through that particular scripture. I can say without a doubt the last 2 days I have heard his voice so loud and clear about letting him work in me. If I’d not taken this time to read his word and have this quiet time and it truly listened to his voice, I wouldn’t hear it. It’s no different than spending time with a friend, a family member, your spouse, if you do not spend that time with them and listen to them how can you know them? I think it’s easy to forget that he wants that personal walk with us and relationship. He wants us to come and see his feet and learn. And we accomplished that when we take the time to read his word and not just let it go in one ear and out the other but to truly listen to what he is speaking to us through that word.

Another way of getting to know him more and it’s a direct piece of this Bible study, is scripture memory. Each week in the study we’re given a scripture to memorize to keep in our heart. I have found that when you begin to let that happen; to memorize his word and to let it sink into your heart, you begin to hear him more. It is almost the same as the quiet time, you are taking the time to memorize important words from the word of your father. Then when hard times come, or people need advice, or you’re not sure what to do next, that scripture will come to your heart and your mind. I truly believe this is God working in us to give us what we need at the moment we need it. The scripture memory verse this week was where I first heard God’s voice telling me how I need to let him work and move. Then, came my quiet time with him where I heard him speaking to me again about how Jesus did not do things in his strength but in the strength of God letting God work and move.

Next to know him, we need prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God and listening. That can come when we read the word and we’re asking him to reveal himself, it can come more structured when we’re praying down a prayer list for other people, when we pray for things that we know we need help with, or it can come or just crying out saying we do not know what to do. He hears it all and it draws us closer to him into a deeper walk with him.

When we do these things, when we take the time to be still and quiet, when we take the time to read his word and memorize it, when we take the time to pray and to listen; that is when we begin to allow God to work in us to will and to act according to his good purpose and not our own.

No I’m not perfect at this and I’m no expert. It is a lesson that God is currently teaching me and I wanted to share it with others out there. To be more like Jesus is my heart’s desire and I fail at it every day. But what a wonderful gift I’ve been given the last few days when I’ve sat down and set aside time just for him. In those simple few minutes and moments I have heard God’s voice mightily. And I’m telling you that if you will just listen,h is there and he has a message for you. Your lesson may not be what mine is, you may not have the issue of trying to take everything on and do it all. So whatever yours is, he will help you. He will help you grow he will speak to you, if you allow him to.

With Love,

Alissa Marie