Qualified in Him


Yep, that’s me….and I’ve spent my life so far trying to figure out who I am, what God’s called me to be, and trying to do the “right” thing. I’ve had a lot of days of not feeling good enough, Christian enough, and just beating myself up. Do any of you feel like this or do these things?
Well,  I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, our lives are not about us. Big shocker right? Especially when by nature, we tend to be self absorbed and we are surrounded with a culture focsed on self.
Yet, life isn’t about us or our abilities or even our lack of abilities. Life is simply about Christ. It’s about serving our most high king. We’ve all been created to worship Him and bring Him glory.

“Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them.” -Isaiah 43:7

I’ve wasted so many years focused on me, knowing the call he had but never fully being released in it #1 because I was afraid, #2 because I’m really good at the current work I do and #3  because I was trying to do it my way.

These reasons are all a focus on me, in my abilities, on my thoughts; not His.

In Exodus 3 we read of God calling Moses from his wilderness to mighty things. Moses didn’t feel qualifed. He questioned God. But God called him still. Because it wasn’t about Moses, it was about God. God used the time in the wilderness “to strip Moses of his self confidence.” So that His confidence would be in the great I Am. “He didn’t need Moses qualifications, and He doesn’t need ours.” (Whitney Capps)

It reminds ds me of a quote I once heard, “God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.”

I feel I’m at the place of finally knowing this. I feel my writing is no longer for me or about me, but about Him. It is being obedient to His call and depending fully on Him.

“I may infuse you with a dream that seems far beyond your reach. You know that in yourself you cannot achieve such a goal. Thus begins your journey to profound reliance on Me.” (Sarah Young)

I am finally here and it is a beautiful place to be.

First5 app – Whitney Capps
Jesus Calling – Sarah Young