The Words Burn Bright

I love the words that flow freely from me. The words,are in so many ways, a breath to my lungs. When I go away from the words. When I get lost int he business of life, the “have to’s” then I lose my breath. I lose a part of who I am. The core of my being and soul that burns so bright in the words that consume me. It is a God given gift. One I am thankful for, so grateful for the peace and life He brings forth in me.

How do I stay here where I can breathe? How do I remain in this place that brings such life to my soul? I ask HIm to guide me. I have such a heart. Such desires and dreams. Yet I want His will  and way not mine. I want to see His dream for me. His use for the words on a page. His use for my big ole heart. His ways for my creative side. I want to live int he Glory of the Lord. Burning bright to touch others with a love that surpasses all understanding and time.

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